
Information about other Mandolin Creek Village business units that work with Mandolin Creek Makerspace


For some projects, Mandolin Creek Makerspace works directly with other units of Mandolin Creek Village:

  • Mandolin Creek Farm hosts the makerspace and the other business units listed on this page. Their buildings, forests, pastures, creeks, ravines, and back roads can provide diverse terrain for testing all sorts of projects.
  • Mandolin Creek Lodge provides a luxurious place to stay while visiting the Farm or Village. Makers can stay together at the Lodge and utilize the makerspace for an extended period of time.
  • Mandolin Creek Foundry provides bespoke metal casting capabilities. Their furnace, tools, and experience can permit makers to transform their 3D-printed plastic parts into solid metal, utilizing a variety of different casting techniques and alloys.
  • Mandolin Creek Machines maintains the fleet of combustion engines at the Farm. Their professional garage, tools, and experience can assist gas- or diesel-powered projects, from design to fabrication.
  • Mandolin Creek Systems provides professional software development services. Their MCSH Makerspace Management package provides custom support and automation for our makerspace. Those scripts can be extended to support new tools and projects.

Altogether, our makerspace has access to the tools, facilities, and experience required to develop and test a huge variety of projects.